This is Zach's personal blog. If you're looking for his movies, please click here. Otherwise, have fun!

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Nolite te bastardes carborundorum.

I gotta say, I'm getting pretty discouraged by all the one-star reviews for my vodcast on iTunes. I mean, sure, it's probably just a bunch of 13-year-old boys--not exactly my target audience--but to click over there, as I did, after spending several days putting a vodcast together, and read that some poor person's IQ dropped by ten points after they watched my show--well, it makes me feel bad, and not just because I'm contributing to the dumbing down of America.

Maybe I just need more gross-out and bloody humor. Amputation jokes are funny, aren't they?


(My star rating is down to two on iTunes. I'll keep you updated as more one-star reviews come in.)


Jeff Lee said...

Do I really sound like that? :-)

(Got a chuckle out of it, regardless.)

But seriously, quit paying attention to the morons. Anonymous trolls are the last people you should be heeding for validation of your work.

Squelch said...

Hey I gotta get my names from somewhere... :)I'm waiting for my friend Doug (the anchorman) from college to call me (I know his fiancée is a subscriber, and so I used his name).

Squelch said...

why isn't the comment updating on the main page, blogger?