This is Zach's personal blog. If you're looking for his movies, please click here. Otherwise, have fun!

Monday, January 31, 2005

Technology, contd.

The story ends with yours truly disovering that the new Comcast cable box which was installed actually has an HDTV decoder built right in--even though the Comcast rep told me it didn't. So I returned the external HDTV receiver, and the TiVo for good measure, and got my money back on both. So it's like this weekend never happened--except for the huge loss of time waiting on all these products I no longer have. Which, somehow, makes me feel even stupider.


Squelch said...

Yeah, we're waiting for Comcast's DVR to come to D.C. We've already got the box (it's the same as the HD box), so why not? I admit, I was looking forward to it, though.

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